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Caged Birds and Green Eyed Monsters


Hi lovely Foggers and Fogglets,

Well Spring has sprung here in the northern hemisphere and while it lifts everyone's mood and has us looking forward to longer warmer days and maybe even a holibob or two, it can bring its pressures too. We've been feeling it a bit, have you?

Lou and me can't wait to be sat outside one of our favourite cafes doing our Thursday Cafe Convo videos for you and checking in more regularly but season changes can be tricky can't they? We're 'supposed' and 'expected' to be be more active, more upbeat, more optimistic. What if you're not feeling it though? That alone can cause pressure can't it, feeling guilty because we're not full of the joys of (literally) spring? You might be feeling less than 'you' because of your body changes, meno symptoms or mood dips. You might not have got round to shaving your legs or getting your roots done. These all apply to me by the way, so don't let me project these on to you but I'm sure some of you will resonate. As I skip along in the sunshine, taking my 'fresh air baths', all it takes is to see the long smooth bronzed legs of a young beauty, or the toned arms of a nubile young thing and suddenly and feeling less good about myself. Well listen lovelies, I'm here to remind you that everything about you is something to be celebrated. We've all had our time being young, toned and full of energy. Let's be grateful for it all. We grew up in the time of real freedom: music, fashion, travel, it was all available to us and we had the chance to embrace it all, finding our own little bit of individuality and uniqueness. And, we got to do all our silly stuff out of sight without it getting splashed all over social media and the internet for all eternity. We have beautiful secrets and amazing stories to tell that only we and those who did the deeds with us know about. What today's young things wouldn't give for that type of freedom. I talk a lot about freedom with my clients. I spend a lot of time exploring what it really means. There have definitely been times coming towards, and in the midst of, my midlife stuff that I've felt like I've lost that sense of freedom and definitely times I've looked at younger women and longed to be their age again but truthfully, I genuinely wouldn't want that. Despite the responsibilities, despite the physical and emotional challenges, I wouldn't trade my experience, my mellowing or even my bumps and wrinkles for the pressures and lack of freedom our young Fogglets in the making have now.

Speak to anyone under 40, especially women, and they'll talk to you about the pressures to do better than well academically, the pressures of getting good jobs and work (it's more competitive than ever), the seeming impossibility of ever owning their own home, the pressure to fit in; to like, look and be like everyone else in their peer groups or those they follow and idolise on social media. They talk about their struggles with mental health, with judging themselves and being judged. It's an emotional jungle out there! No wonder they just want to feel good about themselves, looking to fashion, makeup and aesthetic treatments thinking that'll do it for them. If only they knew what we know now, that all that can only come from within, from knowing yourself. That's real freedom isn't it? So my loves, if any bit of you is feeling a bit trapped right now, a bit less than your old you or if you find yourself longing for that old sense of freedom, remember this. You've lived through some of the best times there have ever been for freedom of expression, for finding and being yourself, for being uniquely you! She's still in there, that free spirit, how about letting her out to play a bit more? And how about we teach these lovely young things how to really live and be free? Trust me, they need that and it's our job now to hand down that experience, that knowing and courage. Open that cage and break free! You put yourself in there. It's time to get out and play. If you need a bit of musical inspiration and encouragement to sing and dance and feel good about yourself, check out one of my favourite tracks here

See you next time. Big love, Michele x

P.S. Did you know we offer personal and workplace coaching here at Wot the Fog? If you need some support and guidance through this crazy midlife phase or you would like more awareness and policies in place where you work, we can help. Email us at OTHER PLACES WE CAN CONNECT Listen to the Podcast Join our Community Facebook Group Support Us by Buying Us a Virtual Coffee

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© 2020 | Michele Henshaw and Louise Pugh

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